Tag: Startup

NewEnamel.com: The Modern Dentistry Service Disruptor with Keith Harband (Ep. 4)

NewEnamel.com: The Modern Dentistry Service Disruptor with Keith Harband (Ep. 4)

Launching a business is never an easy task. When your goal is to change the model of an enormous industry, it takes a strong business acumen and a dedicated team that can sift through the noise from critics and focus on company goals. 

In this episode, Jim Cascino is joined by Keith Harband, founder of NewEnamel.com, a dental care business that provides consumers with prescription-strength dental care at home. It is an innovative approach, based upon proven scientific research, and is a working model in how to potentially disrupt the industry. Keith shares his years of experience in business, drawing on the many lessons he learned at hospitality school (and beyond) when creating his company. He reveals how he started NewEnamel, what makes NewEnamel different from the traditional dental industry and the impact of naysayers on startups.

Keith discusses:

  • How NewEnamel differs from traditional dentistry
  • The advantage of the chair-side assessment that is the cornerstone for NewEnamel’s technological application of the dental process
  • How the NewEnamel business model is customized to each patient’s risk level for tooth decay
  • The impact of naysayers on startups
  • How his past experience in the hospitality industry impacted NewEnamel
  • And more

Connect With Keith Harband:

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About Our Guest:

Keith has enjoyed a successful business and marketing career spanning over 30 years. He has worked at some of the best known and respected companies in the US including The Walt Disney Company, The Discovery Channel and Gymboree. His passion to help others has been the impetus to bring the power of the NewEnamel system to clients everywhere.  Keith earned a BS from Cornell University and an MBA from Columbia University.